November 29, 2023


SIMPLEX 6 and the Australian Cyber Security Strategy: Simplifying Australian SMEs’ Journey for a Resilient Digital Future

The Australian Government’s 2023–2030 Cyber Security Strategy heralds a significant step forward in securing our nation’s digital landscape. At Evolution Systems, we are excited about the synergy between this strategy and our SIMPLEX 6 framework, especially in empowering Australian SMEs with customised cyber resilience. This blog explores how SIMPLEX 6 complements and actively contributes to Australia’s ambitious cyber future.

Aligning with the National Strategy, Australia’s new cyber security strategy is structured around three key horizons and six foundational shields​​. Here’s how SIMPLEX 6 aligns with each aspect:

  1. Strong Businesses and Citizens (Shield 1): Our personalised approach in SIMPLEX 6 is in perfect harmony with the government’s emphasis on bolstering the cyber capabilities of businesses and individuals. We focus on bespoke strategies and cyber health checks, which are crucial in the strategy’s initial phase​​.
  1. Safe Technology (Shield 2): The adaptive nature of SIMPLEX 6 resonates with the strategy’s commitment to safe technology usage and compliance with international security standards. We give priority to integrating safe AI use and promoting cyber-secure product development​​.
  1. World-Class Threat Sharing (Shield 3): SIMPLEX 6’s forward-thinking strategy supports the government’s goal of establishing a comprehensive threat intelligence network. This enhances collaboration and threat-blocking capabilities across industries​​.
  1. Protected Critical Infrastructure (Shield 4): Our comprehensive approach underpins the protection of critical infrastructure, a key focus of the government’s plan, ensuring resilience against potential large-scale cyber threats​​.
  1. Sovereign Capabilities (Shield 5): By enhancing the cyber knowledge and skills of Australian SMEs, SIMPLEX 6 contributes to bridging the cyber skills gap, echoing the government’s initiative to bolster the workforce and support cyber startups​​.
  1. Resilient Region and Global Leadership (Shield 6): Our commitment to an adaptive and evolving cyber strategy mirrors the government’s aim for enhanced international collaboration and setting global cybersecurity standards​​.

The Role of SIMPLEX 6 in Australia’s Cyber Journey SIMPLEX 6 is more than a framework; it’s a strategic partner for Australian SMEs. As the government unfolds its comprehensive strategy, we stand ready to offer a customised, dynamic pathway for businesses to enhance their cyber resilience. With a focus on education and empowerment, we’re dedicated to reducing human error and building a strong security culture.

The journey to becoming the world’s most cyber-secure country is ambitious but achievable. Through the synergistic relationship between SIMPLEX 6 and the Australian Cyber Security Strategy, Evolution Systems is set to lead Australian SMEs into a secure and resilient digital future. Join us in embracing this transformative era of cyber resilience.

Call to Action To learn more about how SIMPLEX 6 can fortify your business in line with Australia’s cyber security vision, contact us today.

Author: Geoff Boreland

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Daniel Fleetwood

Business Development Manager

Technology, properly harnessed, can have a transformative impact on business and society. But technology alone is not enough; my purpose is to understand your goals and your business needs and then align the very best technology and service to help you reach those goals. And the reason we deliver consistent success is because we work with organisations that align with our values.

Michael Kovalik

Senior Technical Consultant

Technology, properly harnessed, can have a transformative impact on business and society. But technology alone is not enough; my purpose is to understand your goals and your business needs and then align the very best technology and service to help you reach those goals. And the reason we deliver consistent success is because we work with organisations that align with our values.

Geoff Boreland

Managing Director

Technology, properly harnessed, can have a transformative impact on business and society. But technology alone is not enough; my purpose is to understand your goals and your business needs and then align the very best technology and service to help you reach those goals. And the reason we deliver consistent success is because we work with organisations that align with our values.